In our 14,000 square meter facility in Mersin, we have legume products, nuts, peeled walnuts, peeled almonds, peanuts, sunflower seeds, cashews, etc., and are marketing, import, export and transit trade by selecting, sorting, packing and storing nuts, legumes and dried agricultural products.

While the Bogazici Gumruk Company makes its stakeholders feel a sense of dignity with its understanding of quality and service;

  1. Always perform our services honestly, with determination and patience.
  2. To protect and improve the image value of our brand.
  3. To ensure the reliability and sustainability of the products.
  4. By developing mutual product and service loyalty with the stakeholders and transferring responsibility to the employees and understanding of service together.


Benefits: An excellent source of vegetable protein that prevents diabetes and helps you lose weight. Chickpeas have properties like improving digestion, preventing heart disease, and balancing blood pressure levels.

Range:Looking at the production of chickpeas around the world, we can see that it is more concentrated in the Middle East region and the southwestern regions of the Asian continent.

Usage areas: It is widely used in meals and appetizers.

Types: All Kinds such as Natural, Kabuli, Desi, Koçbaşı in our company; There Are All Sizes Such As 7 mm, 8 mm, 8.5 mm, 9 MM.


Benefits: Green lentils support metabolism with the help of the vitamins and minerals it contains. It also ensures that the body is fit. Strengthens the muscle structure of the body thanks to its high amount of protein. It is a good source of folic acid. Supports the body in heart conditions, osteoporosis and pregnancy. Strengthen immunity. It is very rich in fiber. The dietary fiber in lentils helps balance blood sugar levels.

Range: Many green lentils are grown in Asia and the Americas around the world, while production in Central Anatolia is common in Turkey in the province.

Usage areas: It is also used in soup, rice and appetizers.


Benefits: Red lentils are a food rich in sodium, potassium, protein, magnesium, vitamin C, iron, calcium, vitamin A, B12 and D. Good for the skin. Thanks to the antioxidant components it contains, it prevents aging and is good for wounds and acne on the skin. Thanks to its rich fiber content, it keeps you full and helps you lose weight.

Range: Red lentils are cultivated in the Mediterranean, south-eastern Anatolia and Aegean regions of our country. Mainly grown in Canada and India around the world.

Usage areas: It is used in soup, rice and appetizers.


Benefits: Dry beans for storing protein are the most common and most beneficial of legumes. It strengthens the body's immunity against many diseases, as it contains proteins, minerals and vitamins in the winter months. The benefits of dried beans are endless. It reduces the risk of heart attack. It strengthens the bones and gives them energy. It is plump and low in calories. It is one of the foods preferred by those who do not eat red meat over red meat. Reduces the formation of kidney stones and aids in pouring. It is good for heart palpitations. It lowers bad cholesterol.

Range: The bean is a herbaceous plant native to Central America. In our country, bean growing areas are most common in our Black Sea region, followed by the south central (Kayseri, Konya, Niğde, Nevşehir) and north central (Eskişehir, Kütahya, Uşak Yozgat) regions.

Usage areas: Used in appetizers and meals.


Benefits: Reduces cholesterol, maintains sugar balance, is a source of vitamin A, is a very good protein source, is good for iron deficiency anemia and helps to lose weight.

Range:In our country, cowpea is grown mostly in the Aegean Region, and limitedly in the Marmara and Mediterranean Regions. Manisa, Muğla and Uşak are our leading provinces in cowpea production.

Usage areas: A variety of dishes, salads and pickles are made from fresh cowpea, which is used as vegetables. Dried kidney beans, a legume type, are used in food and salad making.


Benefits: It is one of the rare plants of economic importance. Barley is a natural expectorant. It helps to lower blood sugar. It helps to control diabetes. It helps to reduce the risk of premature death. It has important positive effects on intestinal health.

Range:It is generally produced in Russia and European Union countries. In our country, the places where the most production is made are Konya and Ankara.

Usage areas: The grains of barley, which is an important food source, are a food source that can be used mostly in bread making, various dishes, soups, breakfast cereal mixes, porridge, cake, cookies and beverages.


Benefits: The core of the wheat grain is exceptionally nutritious. Calcium, Iron and Zinc that the body has absorbed are stored here. Its nutritional value contains factors that prevent wheat, intestinal and rectal cancer, potentially higher than oats and corn.

Range: Our region with the highest wheat production is the Central Anatolia Region. In the world, it is mostly produced in China and India.

Usage areas: It is used in the production of foods that will affect human life such as bread and flour, and it is included in many food groups such as wheat biscuits, pasta and cake.


Benefits: Corn has numerous benefits due to its high vitamin content. Corn is rich in potassium. Contains calcium, iron, protein, sodium B-6 and B12 vitamins. It is used in skin care or medical treatment. Not only corn, but also plants and stems are beneficial to human health. Substances like lysine and tryptophan have protein effects. In addition, it contains vitamins and minerals that support human health, such as fiber and amino acids.

Range: It mostly grows in Mexico and Central America in the world.

Usage areas: Boiled, popped and spicy corn is consumed as a salad, meal and snack.


Benefits: Bulgur is a food made from wheat. Bulgur is a very high fiber food, which is known to reduce fat in the blood. It is high in carbohydrates and low in protein. The B1 vitamins in bulgur play an important role in the nervous and digestive system. Due to the folic acid it contains, it is a very important food for children and pregnant women. It has unsaturated fats and it is a healthy nutrient since it has a low proportion of total fat, it does not contain cholesterol.

Range: Bulgur, which is produced and consumed in Middle Eastern and Mediterranean cuisines, is considered a grain group and is at the bottom of the food pyramid.

Usage areas: Bulgur, which is mostly used in making rice, has a variety of areas, especially in Turkish cuisine.


Benefits: Rice is extremely beneficial to health because it does not contain harmful fats, cholesterol or sodium. It forms an integral part of a balanced diet. They are good sources of calcium, phosphorous, and vitamin D. Rice is a herbaceous plant grown after the corn and wheat of the Basia family.

Range: It grows mainly in monsoon Asia. Baldo rice is the most produced and consumed type of rice in our country.

Usage areas: Rice, which has many uses, is of great importance in nutrition for more than half of the world's population.


Benefits: Broad beans prevent high blood pressure. Thanks to its magnesium and potassium content, it prevents high blood pressure and protects heart health. It helps you lose weight. Broad beans, which are high in protein and fiber, help lose weight by increasing the feeling of satiety and reducing the amount of calories consumed during the day.

Range: Broad beans are grown in almost all regions of our country. Mediterranean and Aegean provinces such as Antalya, İçel and Aydın lead the production of fresh broad beans.

Usage areas: Fresh bean leaves can be eaten raw and roasted in salads, as well as eaten as a meal of fresh pods and pods. The most common use of beans is a paste form, which is formed by boiling and crushing dried beans after removing their inner shell, known as fava in the Aegean and Mediterranean regions, and eaten with olive oil and dill.


Benefits: Lentils, a fibrous and protein-rich food, are rich in B vitamins, iron, calcium, manganese, sodium, copper, zinc and the minerals phosphorous. Lentils with high nutritional value strengthens the body and mind. It strengthens the immune system.

Range: It is produced intensively in Canada and India in the world. Turkey is an important part in Uşak, Kütahya, Manisa.

Usage areas: Used frequently in meals and soups.


Benefits:  Kidney beans are a complete vitamin store. Kidney beans are an incredible storehouse of vitamins and minerals made up of carbohydrates, fiber and protein. It is a quality source of fiber, rich in antioxidants, balances blood sugar, protects heart health. It is also considered an indispensable meal for vegetarians.

Range:  Most produced in Izmir, Canakkale, Nigde, Corum, Antalya, Manisa, Denizli, Aydin, Samsun and Eskisehir in Turkey.

In the world, China, Brazil, USA, Mexico and India are the main producers.

Usage areas: Used frequently in meals and soups.


Benefits: Mung beans is a high source of nutrients, including Potassium, Magnesium, Copper, Zinc and B vitamins. It is also a very plump food, contains high protein, resistant starch and dietary fiber. Thanks to its high antioxidant levels, it can reduce the risk of chronic diseases.

Range: It is a plant species in the legume family. It is grown mainly in East Asia, Southeast Asia and the Indian subcontinent.

Usage areas: It is used as an ingredient in both savory and sweet dishes. It is rich in healthy nutritional values.


Benefits: Peas are low-fat and low-calorie food. For this reason, they are often included in vegetarian and non-vegetarian diets due to their ease in controlling body weight. It is known to prevent terrible diseases like stomach cancer. The high antioxidants in peas prevent various reactions in the body that can cause serious illness. Iron, Calcium, Zinc, Copper, Manganese, etc. that strengthen the immune system of our body. as well as many mineral resources.

Range: China, India, Russia and Canada.

Usage areas: Used in food and soups. Fresh peas can be prepared and eaten in a wide variety of dishes, dried, frozen, canned and stored for future consumption.


Benefits: Various scientific studies are being conducted on the benefits of peas. Peas contain high concentrations of starch, dietary fiber, proteins, vitamins, and phytochemicals. Green peas are an especially good option for vegetarians and vegans due to their high protein content. The caloric value and nutritional value of peas also have strong strengths in terms of health.

Range: China, India, Russia and Canada.

Usage areas: Pea, which is one of the most widely used vegetables, is used fresh or dried in the preparation of various meals, soups and salads.


Benefits: It contains approximately 40 percent protein and is considered a superior competitor to animal proteins. Soybeans lower cholesterol and protect against cardiovascular diseases. Since soybeans are very low in starch and digested slowly, they are a good food for diabetics.

Range: Soy is 1 - 1.5 m tall from the legume family and its homeland is Southeast and East Asia.

Usage areas: It is used as milk, cheese, ice cream, green fertilizer, animal feed.


Benefits: Red beans (mexican beans) are a very useful nutrient that reduces the risk of cancer, supports heart and bone health, regulates blood pressure, reduces colon functions and menopausal symptoms, and regulates blood levels cholesterol.

Range: This bean, which is frequently consumed in Central America and around Mexico, stands out with its red color.

Usage areas:Mexican beans are often sold boiled, effortlessly used in salads and savory recipes.


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